Everyone should want to have an amicable divorce. It's less stressful, less expensive, and less time-consuming for all concerned parties. You and your spouse do have some control over the way your divorce proceeds, and you can greatly influence things with three easy moves. Read on and put into practice these ways to have a more amicable divorce.
1. Enhance Your Coping Skills
How we weather the ups and downs of life makes all the difference.
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Have all the signs been pointing towards your marriage ending, and you don't know what to do? Here are some common questions about what to do when getting divorced.
What If You Don't Feel Safe?
The first thing you should do is make sure that you stay safe if there is any possibility of domestic violence. You don't want to be in a situation where you are forced to be with your partner if you feel they will act in a violent way, so make sure you have a safe place to go.
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One common question people ask when they face criminal charges is if they will be eligible for immunity. In fact, immunity may be an option for many people who are facing serious charges. But how do you know when immunity is an option? Check out this guide to learn more.
Don't Incriminate Yourself
If you're a witness to a crime, you may use the Fifth Amendment to avoid incriminating yourself. In order to avoid incriminating yourself, avoid directly stating that you were part of a crime.
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A typical divorce will involve going to court only two or three times, and the first time is generally for the preliminary hearing. If this is your first divorce, you may not understand what this hearing is for, though. If this is the case, here are several things you should know that will help you eliminate your confusion and prepare for this date.
The Purpose of the Hearing
A preliminary divorce hearing has one essential purpose.
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Going through the preparation stage of Chapter 7 bankruptcy can take weeks or months, as there are many steps to complete before filing, but there are also some key steps you must take after you file the documents for your case.
Here are some of the steps you must complete after your lawyer files your Chapter 7 case with the local bankruptcy court.
Attend the Meeting of the Creditors
Immediately after filing your bankruptcy documents, the court will assign a trustee to your case.
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