If you're one of the nearly 10 million Americans whose home lost so much value during the Great Recession it's still worth less than you owe, you may be considering one of several options to help you free yourself from this burden. You may not want the credit hit (and black mark against you as a future renter) that could come from a strategic default on your mortgage, and may not have the funds to buy your way back to zero equity in order to sell your home.
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Nearly everyone has heard of cases where violent criminals have pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity and presumably avoided the consequences of their actions. Many assume that means all the defendant needs to do is claim he is insane, act weird during the trial and walk away without a sentence. This causes many people to ask, "Can anyone claim temporary insanity to avoid the consequences of a crime?" Technically, you could make the plea, but it will likely take more than a few shenanigans in court to convince the judge
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As a dog owner, you probably know how important it is to keep your pet contained so the animal doesn't get loose and cause problems in the neighborhood. Unfortunately, those problems can land right on your doorstep, especially if there are children in the neighborhood. Even if someone trespasses on your property, you could still be held liable if your dog bites the individual.
Implied Invitation
A trespasser is defined as someone who enters your property without your permission.
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With nearly 75 percent of households across the country owning pets, it's no surprise that sometimes, these furry family members find themselves caught in the midst of a divorce. Although child custody is a standard consideration when it comes to divorce, settling pet custody isn't always as easy. If you're facing a divorce and wondering what to do about your family pets, you're going to want to work with a family law attorney from a firm like Thomas & Associates, PC to work things out within the boundaries of the law.
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Have you been injured by a transvaginal mesh product? You're far from alone. Tens of thousands of women have experienced injuries from these products over the past decade. Many of these injuries are permanent and affect the quality of life of both the woman and her spouse. There is a reason you see all of those television commercials encouraging you to hire a personal injury attorney for transvaginal mesh injuries. Surgical mesh was approved for vaginal use by the FDA in 2002, without any long-term studies on its safety being done.
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