Injured While Working As A Big Box Store Greeter? Consult With A Workers’ Comp Attorney

If you're an extrovert, one of the best jobs that you can get at a big box store is that of the greeter. You'll smile throughout your shift as you warmly greet those who enter the store, point them in the right direction, if needed, and wish departing customers a good day. One reason that you might stop smiling, however, is upon sustaining an injury — and while the position of store greeter isn't overly dangerous, there are still several ways that you could get hurt. Read More 

Accused Of Shoplifting? Remember These Dos And Don’ts

If you are ever accused of shoplifting, the embarrassment you feel and the pressure placed on you by the store employee or security can cause you to incriminate yourself or say something that can get you into even more trouble. Knowing how to act and what not to say after you are detained can help you protect yourself from false accusations or accidentally admitting fault. Here are a few dos and don'ts to keep in mind, if you are ever accused of shoplifting. Read More 

How Will Being In The Military Affect A Child Custody Case?

Those in the military are just as probable to see divorce as any other individual. According to the Pentagon, 21,290 of 689,060 married service members got a divorce in 2017. Many service members are married and have children, so when a divorce does occur, child custody issues can be involved. If you are an active service member, going through the child custody process can bring about some questions that regular individuals may not have. Read More 

What You Should Know About A Living Will

When it comes to planning your future, thinking about the possibility of having a terminal illness like cancer or Alzheimer's disease is not pleasant or desirable. However, it is these possible futures that you need will need to be prepared for the most. One of the preparation steps that you will want to take is to draft a living will. If you are like most people, though, you do not know much about what a living will entails or what you should include in it. Read More 

Employing Veterans- 3 Ways To Avoid Discrimination Lawsuits

Hiring the right employees is an important part of any company's ongoing success. Because many companies receive hundreds of applications for each available position, elimination criteria is often used to help narrow the applicants to just a few viable candidates. If you have veterans who apply for open positions within your company, you need to treat these applications with care. A lot of employers will automatically dismiss a veteran who received anything less than an honorable discharge. Read More