If you are a stay-at-home mother who is looking to get divorced, you need to make sure that you gather up the right evidence and take the right steps as you proceed through your divorce. If you depended upon your spouse for income, you are in a vulnerable position and need to make sure that you make smart decisions.
1. Gather Together Financial Documents
The first thing that you need to do is gather up your financial documents.
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You should be aware of the standards a nursing home should be held to when you have someone you love living in one. This will allow you to check on them and quickly recognize if there is an issue during your visit. If you do spot signs of trouble, you should act fast. It is also up to you, as the loved one, to be their advocate, to be sure they are well cared for and have been placed in a caring, capable facility.
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As a doctor, you help heal patients of all ages, but mistakes happen, and you may face a lawsuit for medical malpractice against one of your patients. If this happens, you may be responsible for a hefty settlement. If you are worried about being accused of medical malpractice or if you've already been accused, check out these three facts so you can better protect yourself and your investment.
Medical Malpractice Insurance Is Available
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Thanks to the workers' compensation system, there are not many scenarios where you can sue your employer when you get injured in the workplace. This system was established as a trade-off and employees who are entitled to receive compensation don't have the right to sue the employer if they accept the payment.
The system is known as a no-fault system. Its main advantage to workers is that it entitles them to receive compensation regardless of who's liable for the accident that caused the injury.
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Probate can take what seems like forever when you are awaiting an inheritance. If you need money from an estate quickly but must wait for the legal process to complete, an inheritance loan may be an option. Inheritance loans allow you to utilize a portion of your liquidized inheritance before probate concludes. The following is some information about inheritance loans:
Inheritance Loans Defined
An inheritance loan is commonly known as an estate loan.
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