How Social Security Affects The Estate Planning Process

Proper estate planning is an essential undertaking that everyone should prioritize. However, many people overlook the important role that Social Security plays in estate planning. In this blog post, we will explore how Social Security impacts the estate planning process and why consulting with an estate planning attorney is essential.

Understanding Social Security Benefits

Before delving into the connection between Social Security and estate planning, it's vital to understand the basics of Social Security benefits. Social Security provides retirement, disability, and survivor benefits to eligible individuals. These benefits are usually based on an individual's work history and earnings over their lifetime.

Inheritance and Social Security Benefits

When it comes to estate planning, it's crucial to consider how Social Security benefits are affected by inheritance. In general, inheritance does not impact an individual's eligibility for Social Security benefits. In other words, receiving an inheritance should not affect your ability to continue receiving your Social Security benefits.

However, it's important to note that Social Security benefits can be subject to income taxes. Additionally, if you have a high income, it could trigger the taxation of a higher portion of your Social Security benefits.

Impact on Supplemental Security Income (SSI)

Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is another branch of Social Security that provides financial assistance to disabled or elderly individuals with limited income and resources. Unlike Social Security retirement benefits, SSI benefits are means-tested, meaning eligibility is based on financial need.

When it comes to estate planning, it's essential to consider how inheriting assets might impact an individual's eligibility for SSI benefits. Receiving a large inheritance could potentially disqualify someone from receiving SSI if their assets exceed the eligibility threshold. An estate planning attorney can help navigate this complex issue and explore strategies to minimize the impact on SSI eligibility.

Planning Ahead with an Estate Planning Attorney

Given the intricacies surrounding Social Security benefits and estate planning, it is highly recommended to consult with an estate planning attorney. These professionals specialize in guiding individuals through the estate planning process, ensuring that all legal aspects are considered and accounted for.

An estate planning attorney can help you create a comprehensive estate plan that takes Social Security benefits into consideration. They can assist in structuring your estate to minimize taxes for your beneficiaries and explore strategies to preserve eligibility for means-tested benefits such as SSI. Additionally, they can help with the proper titling of assets and the creation of trusts to protect and distribute your assets according to your wishes.

Contact an estate planning attorney to learn more. 
