Four Things You Need To Know About Sexual Harassment Allegations In The Workplace

A sexual harassment allegation is a delicate issue and needs to be handled with care by an experienced and specialized lawyer.

Before you discuss your sexual harassment issues at work with your sexual harassment attorney, you should probably be aware of the following four things:

The law requires employers to look into any sexual harassment allegations that an employee makes.

Your employer can't simply ignore you when you make a claim about sexual harassment at the workplace.

Whether your boss, your coworkers, or others at your workplace are the perpetrators of the harassment, your employer has a responsibility by law to look into the issue. If your employer does nothing and the problem continues, you have the right to file a lawsuit. 

The law forbids an employer from taking any retaliatory measures against an employee for reporting a sexual harassment claim.

Not only must your employer look into the issue, but your employer cannot retaliate against you for raising attention about a sexual harassment issue. Retaliatory measures could be demoting you, discipling you, firing you, excluding you from projects and assignments, and/or lowering your pay.

If your employer does any of these things after you make a claim of sexual harassment, you have grounds for a lawsuit against your employer. 

If you're planning to file charges against an employer for sexual harassment, you should familiarize yourself with your employer's sexual harassment policy.

When you were hired, your employer may have discussed the company's sexual harassment policy with you. It's a good idea to take out any documentation regarding this company sexual harassment policy and see if your employer is really carrying out on that policy when a sexual harassment harassment claim is made.

 If your employer has no sexual harassment policy, you can point this out in your lawsuit and demonstrate your employer's negligence toward employee health and safety at the workplace. 

It's important for you to document sexual harassment to the greatest extent possible if you're going to file charges against an employer.

Properly documenting sexual harassment in any way possible is going to help support your claim.

If you have any inappropriate behavior on camera or in writing through emails or other communication, this is good proof that sexual harassment is occurring. You also may be able to get witness testimony of sexual harassment to back up your claim from coworkers or others at the workplace. 

Documenting your employer's response to any initial discussions regarding sexual harassment is a good idea. Your employer's response is a good indicator of the company's attitude toward sexual harassment and can even help serve as further proof that sexual harassment is occurring.
