Questions To Ask When Choosing A Personal Injury Lawyer If You Have Been Injured In A Retail Store
If you have recently been injured, even if it through no fault of your own, in a retail establishment, it is often quite challenging to prove that the store or the people who work there were responsible. Since there are so many different possible causes of your injury and many would not be due to any specific actions or inactions, it is best to protect your rights by speaking with a personal injury attorney as soon as you can. Fortunately, you can narrow down the choices by asking any attorney with whom you might work the following questions.
What Is The Statute Of Limitations For Personal Injury Cases In Your State?
It is important to note that your options for seeking compensation for your injuries or lost wages are impacted by the laws in your state. That issue can be particularly problematic for injuries that seem minor at first and later manifest as more serious ones.
In order to prevent any unnecessarily wasted time, you should be sure that you are within the time limits required by your state. As of 2015, some states provide as little as a year and at least one state permits up to six years to seek compensation. Since those time limits are subject to change, it is important to speak with your attorney to protect your interests.
What Can Be Done To Prove Or Disprove Liability?
Unfortunately, liability isn't always clear-cut and obvious, nor is an injury at a store automatically the fault of the facility. For instance, heels or flip-flops often lack traction and if you slip from a curb in the rain and sustain an injury, it could be an unfortunate accident. However, if you were to slip on a damaged, unmarked or otherwise dangerous curb, the question of liability could easily change.
As a result, it's imperative for you to report your injury, in writing, to a manager as soon as possible after becoming injured. If possible, take pictures of the area where the event occurred, your injury and other pertinent detail, such as the presence or lack of warning signs in the vicinity. In many instances, your personal injury lawyer may suggest or require additional verification of the details pertaining to your injury in order to establish legal liability.
In conclusion, many people are injured every year in what seem to be minor slips in public. However, if you are unsure that your injury was minor or if you have reason to believe that it occurred due to negligent actions on the part of the store, it is crucial to speak with a personal attorney as soon as possible. Fortunately, the questions shared above will help you to choose a lawyer like Daniels Long & Pinsel.