Some Ways to Make Divorce Easier on Your Dog

Are you a dog owner contemplating a divorce? If so, it would behoove you to consider the needs of your furry friend as well as your own. The divorce will affect them too. They will be losing the everyday companionship of at least one of their owners. Thus, to help you make better decisions in this difficult time, following are four important things you can do to ease the situation for your dog.

Buy New Toys

You should begin by purchasing some new dog toys. Do not hold back. Spend a little more than usual to ensure you get something that will be fully appreciated and used for a long time.

Remember that your budget could change significantly after the upcoming separation, so it is best to buy now rather than later.

The toys will help your beloved pet get along when unable to play with your soon-to-be former spouse.

Collect a Few Items From Your Spouse

Dogs have a heightened sense of smell. They often recognize people by their distinctive odors. Be sure to have some items, particularly clothing, of the departing spouse around the house.

Your dog will feel more comfortable with the familiar smell of their other owner still in the environment.

Opt for a Collaborative Divorce

Divorce can be incredibly tumultuous and leave either or both sides feeling bitter. However, if it is possible, try to keep things civil for the sake of your pet.

The stress of a highly contested divorce will weigh on your dog. Avoid all the emotional turmoil by opting for a collaborative divorce. These proceedings, held by compassionate divorce attorneys, allow all parties to walk away feeling respected. The tone is one of collaboration, rather than competition.

Plan for Regular Visitation Times

Part of your collaborative divorce resolution will be setting up a separation agreement. You need to delineate the rights and responsibilities of the parting spouses. Be sure to include a regular pet visitation schedule.

Remember that your dog is a part of the family. Just as you would allow your former spouse to visit the children, you should do the same for the dog.

To help you better plan for your separation, contact an experienced divorce lawyer. This professional will inform you of all the regulations in your particular jurisdiction. They will also discuss the needs of your pet.

In the end, if you think of the potential effects of the divorce on your pet before making decisions, all will turn out well.
